Friday, April 22, 2011

Hello again...

Somehow, two months have passed by since the last time I posted here.  I would say I'm not really sure how that happened, but I'm pretty sure I am.  Between work, my daughter, attempting (unsuccessfully) to keep up with my house, and enjoying several photo shoots, time just slipped right on by.  I guess it really is true that time flies when you're having fun!  In the past two months, I have had the privilege of photographing 4 graduating seniors, 2 and 3 year old beautiful little girls, my niece and nephew, my daughter, and my first ever wedding!!!  It has been wonderful!  I'm absolutely loving gaining more and more practice, and am really enjoying interacting with all my clients.  I have tons of pictures to upload to my website, but I'll post a few of my favorites here for you to see until I'm able to do so.  I'm also working on a new website...when I'll get it finished I can only guess :)  I'm really looking forward to my next scheduled shoot, a little one named Kingston, and I hope that you will keep me in mind the next time you find yourself in need of a photographer.  Happy Easter to all of you, and I pray that you are celebrating by worshipping a Risen Savior!